Scientific meetings (in english)
Webinar Zoom link:
Public meetings (in french)
IPGP Youtube chanel
Friday, 13 May
Arrival of the participants in Martinique
Saturday, 14 May
14h00 : Official opening of the «OVSM-IPGP-PREST Meetings»
16h00 : Public conferences : The eruptive history of Montagne Pelée and the observations showing its present reactivation by A. Michaud-Dubuy (IPGP) & F. R. Fontaine (OVSM-IPGP)
17h30 : The Lesser Antilles subduction zone : state of the art and scientific challenges by J. Corbeau (OVSM-IPGP)
Sunday, 15 May
Field trip on Mount Pelée, visit of museums and the city of Saint-Pierre
Monday, 16 May
8h30 : Scientific meeting of volcano experts : Monitoring, recent volcanic crisis management and lessons for the Easter Caribbean
18h30 : Public conference (simultaneous translation): The 2020–2021 eruption of La Soufrière volcano, St. Vincent: responding to eruptive transitions by E. Joseph & R. Robertson (SRC-UWI)
Tuesday, 17 May
8h30 : Scientific meeting of earthquake experts : Subduction system, earthquakes and tsunamis in the Antlles
19h00 : Scientific inauguration of the volcanological and seismological observatory of Martinique, OVSM-IPGP (with invitation)
Wednesday, 18 May Results of the Interreg PREST project:
8h30 : Session 1 : Seismicity and tectonics of the Greater Antilles (WP2 et WP3):
14h00: Session 2 : Sismicity and deformations of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone(WP4)
18h30 : Public conferences: Lessons from the Haiti earthquakes by E.Calais (ENS-IRD)
Thursday, 19 May Results of the Interreg PREST project :
8h30 : Session 3 : Instrumentations and measurements in marine environment (WP 5, 6,7)
14h00 : Session 4 : Monitoring and behaviour of volcanic systems (WP4)
18h30 : Public conferences : Public restitution of the Interreg PREST project
19h30 : Round table with stakeholders of warning, crisis management and emergency for natural hazards in eastern Caribbean by EMIZA, CTM, Météo France, Madininair, BRGM, Croix-Rouge, OVS-IPGP
Friday, 20 May :
Departure of the participants
Scientific meeting (in english)
Public meetings (in french)